Optimist Performance

At Optimist Performance, we’re proud of the impact our coaches—whom we fondly call Eternal Optimists—have made in the lives of individuals, teams, and organisations. Through personalised 1-on-1 coaching, they’ve helped clients navigate challenges, develop intentional growth plans, and achieve remarkable transformations. In this article, we share real stories from our coaches about the unique challenges their clients faced and the creative solutions that led to their success. Each story is a testament to the power of dedicated coaching and the incredible change it can bring.

Empowering Personal and Team Development through Intentionality

One client came to us facing a significant challenge: they struggled with taking ownership of their personal development and creating a leadership development plan for themselves and their team. This lack of intentionality was creating a gap in the team’s accountability and overall progress.

Our coach stepped in and offered guidance by sharing strategies and options from related worlds. This approach was designed to empower the client to take charge of their growth journey. With these insights, the client was inspired to be more intentional about their development. As a result, they were able to set a clear and actionable plan for both their personal growth and the development of their team.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Strategic Coaching 

A common challenge many clients face, especially when stepping into new roles or positions, is imposter syndrome – feelings of self-doubt, not being in control, feeling inadequate or uncertain. These feelings often arise in different contexts where individuals lack experience or fear looking incompetent. Our approach to coaching involves recognising these feelings as normal and addressing them by flipping the narrative to see ‘imposter-like feelings’ in a positive light.

Coaching - Eternal OptimistsOur coach worked with a client experiencing this exact challenge, helping them understand that imposter syndrome can actually be a driving force for learning, personal development and getting things done, as long as it doesn’t become inhibiting. Through coaching, the client learned to embrace these feelings and use them as motivation and drive for growth. 

In practice, this meant focusing on preparation and self-awareness. For instance, before entering meetings, the client would prepare thoroughly—considering both their physical and mental state, their key messages, and how they wanted to be perceived. This proactive approach helped the client reduce anxiety, improve clarity in communication, and project more confidence.

The results were transformative. The client became more self-aware, and authentic in their approach and was better equipped to handle challenging situations. By recognising their imposter-like feelings, identifying triggers and creating preventive strategies, they could manage imposter syndrome effectively, leading to greater success and a higher likelihood of achieving their goals.

Elevating Delegation Skills to Build Trust and Accountability 

Delegation is another common challenge, especially when it involves trusting others to perform tasks effectively. One of our clients faced difficulties with delegation, which in turn affected trust within their team. The issue wasn’t just about handing off tasks—it was about ensuring that those tasks were understood and executed correctly, thereby strengthening relationships within the team.

Our coach guided the client through the process of taking their delegation skills to the next level. This involved not only assigning tasks but also actively checking in to understand how their team members perceived the task and their approach to completing it. By fostering open communication and clarity, the client could establish a more collaborative and trusting environment.

The impact of this improved delegation strategy was significant. It shifted the focus from micromanaging to building accountability and autonomy within the team. With clear expectations and open lines of communication, the team members felt more empowered to take ownership of their work. This, in turn, reinforced a sense of trust and enabled continued positive growth for both the client and their team.

Increasing Sales by Enhancing Creativity and Customer Connection

A client wanted to win more contracts in a highly competitive sector. Their challenge was finding ways to be more innovative in their approach to stand out from the competition and create lasting impact whilst staying within strict regulations around the bidding and sales processes.

Our coach worked with key members of the team through one-on-one coaching sessions to embed new ways of thinking and problem-solving. This ran alongside a two-day interactive learning event for the whole team, focusing on how to be more creative and connect more deeply with customers. Grounded in neuroscience, this learning provided the team with practical, brain-based tools they could begin applying immediately.

The results were remarkable. The team’s morale and energy levels increased significantly, as did client engagement and customer satisfaction. By applying their newfound creative and connecting strategies, the team successfully secured a substantial £9 million contract, showcasing the power of innovative thinking in a traditional sector.

Establishing Clarity and Cohesion in a Senior Team

Coaching - Eternal OptimistsA senior team we worked with faced a significant challenge: they lacked clarity on how to collaborate effectively, hold each other accountable, and resolve conflicts. This lack of structure was impeding their ability to function cohesively and achieve their goals.

To address this, we delivered a series of workshops alongside one-on-one coaching sessions. The first workshop centred around defining the core values that the team wanted to build upon. From these values, we collaboratively established the behaviours and standards they expected from one another.

This process resulted in a clear framework for communication and teamwork, allowing the team to operate at a high level. With these agreed-upon “north stars,” they were equipped to resolve conflicts efficiently and focus on their collective objectives. As a result, the team began hitting their goals more consistently, building real momentum and achieving greater success.

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking Up in Meetings

Another challenge faced by a client was a deep-seated fear of speaking up in meetings. The anxiety was so intense that their heart rate would spike, and the fear of judgment, making mistakes, or being criticised would almost literally choke them, hindering their ability to contribute.

Our coach began by validating these feelings, explaining how the brain reacts when it’s in a “threat” state. This helped normalise their experience, making it clear that such reactions are common. The focus then shifted to analysing lived experiences of meetings. Together, they reflected on instances where someone made a mistake during a meeting and examined what actually happened. This exercise was key in grounding the client’s fears in reality and distinguishing facts from feelings.

To further build confidence, the coach worked with the client on preparing words and sentences they could use during meetings. This preparation acted as a safety net, reducing anxiety and helping them feel more in control. With practice, the client began to speak up more often, gradually overcoming their fear.

As a result, other team members started to recognise and acknowledge their contributions in meetings. This positive reinforcement further boosted the client’s growing confidence, creating a virtuous cycle that empowered them to engage more actively and assertively in discussions.

The Optimist View…

These real-life stories highlight the profound impact that our Eternal Optimists have on individuals, teams, and organisations. Through our Optimist coaching and leadership sessions, our coaches (or Eternal Optimists) empower clients to overcome personal and professional challenges, unlocking their full potential.

Are you ready to achieve your full potential? Get in touch with us today and learn more about our Optimist Coaching.